(Collection Management Policy PDF Print Version)
This policy serves as a guide to staff members and to provide information to the public on the selection and retention of materials at the Lynnfield Public Library. It is designed to support the library’s mission to “facilitate townspeople of all ages in the meeting of their personal, professional, informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs by providing both current technologies and traditional means of access to materials, programs, and services”. In addition, the Collection Development Policy outlines the Library’s policies for donations and reconsideration of materials.
The Library provides free and equitable access to materials in a variety of formats, for all ages, that are responsive to the needs and interests of the community, including, but not limited to: print, electronic, audiovisual, and digital formats. Libraries have a profound responsibility to promote access to information by making it possible for patrons to choose freely from a wide range of offerings.
Intellectual Freedom
The Lynnfield Public Library endorses the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, which include the statements: “Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.”
The Library values the power of books and other media to convey a wide diversity of thought and expression. We strive to provide a collection that enriches the lives of our community by providing many voices and views, and we select a wide variety of materials to satisfy the many interests of our community. We uphold the right of the individual to secure those resources, even if the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some. The Library’s varied collection is available to all, though it is not expected that all of the collection will appeal to everyone. The inclusion of any particular perspective in the collection is a representation of the Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom and does not represent an endorsement of any particular point of view.
We believe that reading is an individual, private matter. Anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves, but may not restrict the freedom of others to read and inquire. The Library does not limit access to resources for minors. Parents and guardians have the responsibility to guide their children’s – and only their children’s – use of library resources.
Within budgetary and space limitations, the collection serves to enhance the cultural, literary and educational pursuits, and personal enjoyment of the community and furthers the mission and vision of the Lynnfield Public Library.
The Lynnfield Public Library supplements the collection through resource sharing within our consortium (NOBLE), as well as state-supported regional sharing and a mediated national inter-library loan system.
Materials are purchased by designated staff members with the appropriate training and experience under the direction of the Library Director, who operates within the framework of the policies, goals, objectives, and budget of the Library. The Director allocates an annual materials budget based on Town appropriations and state-mandated budget formulas and requirements.
A number of different tools and considerations are used by selectors to acquire materials: professional review journals, popular print and broadcast media, publisher’s catalogs, consortium-generated purchase alert reports, and patron and staff requests and recommendations. The following criteria may be used by librarians to determine the suitability of an item for purchase:
Multiple copies of titles (in print format) may be purchased based upon the number of Lynnfield patrons waiting for the title; an additional print copy is typically purchased for every five Lynnfield patrons on hold.
Not all materials are subject to the same purchasing criteria. It is expected that some popular fiction and non-fiction will not be maintained in the collection indefinitely (see weeding policy and criteria), while some materials (both fiction and non-fiction) are purchased to support our collection over the long-term.
We collect subject-specific non-fiction materials at an introductory or generalist level. We tend not to purchase materials that are highly specialized or of limited general interest. Materials of current and/or popular interest are purchased based upon patron interest and requests, strength of reviews, vendor catalogs, and mention in popular print and broadcast media. Materials may be purchased in a variety of formats – print, audiovisual, electronic – to support the learning and access preferences of our patrons.
Materials are purchased based upon patron requests, strength of reviews, well-known and best-selling authors, and local interest. Materials may be purchased in a variety of formats – print, audiovisual, electronic – to support the access preferences of our patrons.
Children’s and Young Adult
Materials are purchased based upon a variety of criteria: mention in review journals and vendor catalogs, patron requests, best-selling authors and series, award-winning materials, local interest, the support of local primary and secondary school curriculum and special author promotions. Materials are purchased in a variety of formats – print, audiovisual, electronic, kits – to support the learning and access preferences of our patrons.
Materials may be removed (weeded) from the collection for a variety of reasons. Materials that are in poor or unusable condition, outdated, duplicated, or no longer circulating may be considered for removal from the collection. Space constraints may be taken into account while reviewing items for removal. Reports are routinely run to identify materials that are no longer circulating; these reports also help us determine which topics/subjects may no longer be of interest to our patrons. The library attempts to replace outdated material with newer materials to maintain a sufficient level of subject coverage in the collection. We consider replacement of lost or worn materials that are still of value for informational or recreational needs based upon price and availability.
Curriculum changes at the local primary and secondary school levels may influence weeding in the children’s and young adult collection as well as certain areas of the adult non-fiction collection.
Weeded materials that are not damaged or outdated beyond use are donated to the Friends of the Lynnfield Library or other organizations for sale or re-use. Proceeds from the Friends of the Lynnfield Library book sales are used for library programming, our museum pass program, and publicity.
The library welcomes gifts of needed materials or funds for the purchase of such material in support of other library services, such as programs. The library reserves the right to evaluate and to dispose of gifts in accordance with the criteria applied to purchasing material. The use of the gift is at the library’s discretion.
Gifts which do not comply with the library’s objectives and policies will be declined and, when possible, referred to a more appropriate recipient.
Request for Reconsideration of Materials
Patrons are able to voice their objections and request the removal or reclassification of material(s) currently owned by the Lynnfield Public Library
Procedures for Requests for Reconsideration
(Request for Reconsideration form PDF Print version)
Any Lynnfield resident may file a Request for Reconsideration form. The Lynnfield Public Library is willing to re-examine its position on any item in the library’s collection. No item shall be removed or restricted because of a complaint unless it is in accordance with the following procedures. According to our policy, items requested for reconsideration will remain in the Library’s collection until the process is complete. If, at the end of these procedures, the item is determined to fit the Collection Development policy and remains in the collection, that item shall not be requested to be reconsidered again for 2 years from the date of the Library’s final decision regarding said item.
The Lynnfield Public Library would like to acknowledge the Peabody Institute Library, Peabody and the Chicopee Public Library, as their policies were instrumental in the updates to this document. Additionally, the American Library Association Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit provided helpful resources.
The Library supports the following documents:
* The Library Bill of Rights – Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996 by the ALA (American Library Association) Council.
* The Freedom to Read Statement – Adopted June 25, 1953, by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee; amended January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; June 30, 2004, by the ALA Council and the AAP (Association of American Publishers) Freedom to Read Committee.
Approved by the Board of Trustees December 2, 2014
Revisions adopted by the Board of Trustees July 20, 2017; June 6, 2023; February 6, 2024
(Damaged/Incomplete Item Policy PDF print version)
Damaged Items
The Lynnfield Public Library strives to ensure that its materials meet a high standard of quality and durability. Staff members regularly inspect circulating items at check-in and checkout to note damage or identify materials that need repair or replacement. We encourage patrons to bring to our attention any damage that may have gone unnoticed so we can note the condition on the item.
When an item is returned in damaged condition, our staff will evaluate the extent of the damage and determine if the item can be mended. Items damaged beyond repair will be charged to the last patron who had the item checked out unless a note on the item indicates that the damage occurred prior to checkout. The patron will be notified of the condition and replacement cost, which will reflect the list price of the item. The patron will be able to keep the damaged item if the replacement cost is received within three months of returning the item. After three months, damaged items will be discarded.
Patrons have the option to purchase replacement copies of lost or damaged items instead of paying the fee mentioned above. The replacement copy must be exactly identical to the damaged item (same ISBN, edition, etc.) and must be in new condition. The replacement copy will be subject to review by our library staff before the fee is waived. We strongly advise all patrons who choose to purchase a replacement copy to first consult with library staff to ensure the correct item is purchased.
The policy outlined above applies to items owned by the Lynnfield Library only. Materials borrowed from other libraries will be subject to the procedures of the owning library. If a patron wishes to pay the replacement fee for an item belonging to another library, the fee must be paid for with a check or money order made out to the owning library. Cash cannot be accepted for payments to other libraries.
Incomplete Item Policy
Many of the items we circulate contain multiple pieces, including audiobooks, travel books with maps, language materials, DVD courses, music CDs with booklets, and media kits. Our staff count these items at check-in and checkout to ensure all pieces are included.
If a patron returns an item with a piece missing, the patron will be contacted by library staff to indicate that the piece is missing. The item will remain checked out to the patron until the missing piece is returned, and overdue fines will apply if the piece is not returned before the due date.
If a patron loses a piece of a set, our staff will attempt to purchase or find a replacement for the missing part and will charge a replacement fee for that piece only. This fee will depend on the type and cost of the replacement. If the missing piece cannot be replaced individually, the patron will be responsible for the replacement cost of an entire new set.
revised October 25, 2013
(Internet Access Policy PDF print version)
The Lynnfield Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational and educational needs of the community. In order to facilitate communication and in keeping with the mission of the Lynnfield Public Library, public access to the internet will be provided as part of the Library’s information services, as well as various databases and computer apps, to all library users. Patrons are encouraged to ask for assistance from the Reference Librarian to navigate and determine the most trustworthy and best quality sources for their research. Library staff is able to provide basic internet instruction. Additional one-on-one instruction is available by appointment.
Internet access is provided in agreement with the American Library Association’s “Library Bill of Rights”, http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill, as it applies to information in electronic format, and in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws (Chapter 78, Section 33). The ALA “Library Bill of Rights” states “material should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.” The Library provides on-site and off-site access through public computers, free wireless network, Chromebook kits, and Internet hotspots.
The unique, unregulated nature of the internet requires that users exercise judgment regarding information accessible on various internet sites. The Library tries to protect users’ privacy but complete privacy on shared computers is not a realistic expectation. The Library’s wireless network is an open, unsecured public network. The Library does not filter access to internet sites but may monitor patron usage. Parents have the responsibility to monitor their children’s use of library resources. Some patrons may deem some material unsuitable for viewing by their children. We suggest that parents concerned about access issues become familiar with this policy and join their children in using the Library’s internet services. The Children’s Room can provide parents with written materials to help them in guiding their children’s internet use. Patrons should be sensitive about viewing or leaving material on the screens which may be upsetting to other patrons, whether on their own laptops or on Library PCs. To ensure a safe and secure environment, the Library has instituted the following rules:
1. Patrons are prohibited from accessing materials which may be prohibited by State or Federal Law.
2. Patrons may not use the Library’s internet service for any illegal activity, including use of library computers for hacking and unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material in any format.
3. Patrons are prohibited from accessing visual or text-based materials which constitute potential sources of sexual harassment to other patrons or library staff.
4. Patrons violating the above rules may have their internet access terminated and/or may be required to leave the library.
Library staff are authorized to take prompt and appropriate actions to enforce this policy. The consequences of policy violation may include asking the patron to leave the Library and the grounds for a specified period of time and / or losing some or all of their library privileges. Actionable offenses will not be tolerated and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. This policy has been written in accordance with The Library Bill of Rights and the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Adopted by the Board of Library Trustees June 3, 1997. Revised and adopted November 5, 2002. Revised and adopted September 3, 2013. Revised and adopted March 6, 2018. Revised and adopted July 23, 2024.
The Library is a public building for all patrons to use on a first come basis. Due to lack of a program/meeting room, as well as overall space constraints, there are no areas available to reserve in the Library.
The Library is nonpartisan and does not endorse any group that meets there.
Approved on July 20, 2017, revised September 12, 2017
Board of Trustees, Lynnfield Public Library
(Patron Confidentiality and Privacy Policy PDF Print Version)
With respect to library users’ privacy and confidentiality, the Lynnfield Public Library operates in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association and the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 78, Section 7, which states: “That part of the records of a public library which reveals the identity and intellectual pursuits of a person using such library shall not be a public record.” Therefore, circulation and registration records, information sought or received, reference interviews, interlibrary loan transactions, and any other uses of library resources that might identify the intellectual pursuits of named individuals are and shall be treated as confidential.
The law does not distinguish between adults and minors in this respect. In some situations, it may be necessary for a parent or guardian to be provided with limited information concerning a minor’s library card use when items have been lost or damaged and the parent or guardian is financially responsible.
Having another individual’s library card implies permission from the card owner to access their account. Each patron holds the responsibility for monitoring who has access to their library card. Patrons can designate users, who may pick up holds and check out material on the borrower’s behalf, by notifying library staff members.
Approved by the Board of Trustees July 20, 2017, re-approved on November 21, 2024
(Photography/Filming Policy PDF print version)
Photography/Filming in the Library by Patrons
Patrons are welcome to take photographs and/or film inside the Lynnfield Public Library, provided they:
● Adhere to the Rules of Behavior, i.e. they do not violate the rights of other patrons to work safely and undisturbed
● Respect patron’s right to privacy in terms of their intellectual pursuits
● Do not enter Staff Only areas
Permission from the Library Director or the Assistant Director is required for filming for any commercial purposes, e.g. commercials, news programs, television shows, or sales-oriented activities.
Patrons must have the consent of each individual photographed or filmed. If the individual is a minor, their guardian must give consent.
Patrons are also welcome to take photographs and/or film on the grounds of the Lynnfield Public Library, outside of the physical building, as long as they do not block the parking lot or driveway.
Photography/Filming by Library Staff for Internal and Promotional Purposes
The Lynnfield Public Library reserves the right to use photographs or video taken at the library for publicity purposes in printed materials and online. Attendees and/or participants consent to having their photograph taken and used for such purposes. Staff members will make every effort to notify patrons when photography and/or video filming is taking place, and may include patrons in such recordings. If a library patron does not wish themselves or their child to be photographed, the patron must notify the Library staff to that effect. Staff members shall not make an audio recording of any person’s conversation without their express, prior consent. No names will be used in conjunction with photos/video without express written consent.
Approved by the Board of Trustees September 6, 2022
(Programming Policy PDF print version)
Purpose of the Programming Policy
The mission of the Lynnfield Public Library is to facilitate townspeople of all ages in the meeting of their personal, professional, informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs by providing both current technological and traditional means of access to materials, programs, and services. Programming and Events are an integral component of Library service that:
Subject to the ultimate authority of the Board of Trustees, the Library Director holds responsibility for programming at the Library. The Library Director, in turn, may delegate the authority for program management to appropriate departmental staff. Library staff use the following criteria in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:
The Library is interested in opinions and suggestions for Library programs. These suggestions or opinions should be communicated to Library staff or the Library Director. The Library’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to Library programming, and the Library does not discriminate through its programming. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants, and program topics, speakers, and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy. Library staff who present programs do so as a part of their job. In addition, the Library draws upon community resources in developing programs and attempts to partner with other community organizations, educational and cultural institutions or individuals to present and/or co-sponsor programs.
At any Library Sponsored Event
Registration may be required for some events for various reasons, including maintaining the venue capacity or to allow the presenter to prepare for the number of people attending. Registration for programs may be done on the Library’s website calendar of events, or by calling or visiting the Library. We request that registered individuals notify the organizers as soon as possible if they are unable to attend in order to allow other people to register. A waitlist may be created for high-demand events, in lieu of allowing walk-ins. Should spots become available, we will make every effort to notify waitlisted patrons in time for them to attend the event. If there is still space, walk-ins will be allowed. Best efforts will be made to accommodate
Event Promotion
Performers or authors may sell books or CDs as part of a library program. Programs sponsored by the Friends of the Library may include the sale of merchandise as a fundraiser to benefit the Library. Sale of any other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director or designee. Programs are not used for commercial, religious, political, or partisan purposes or for the solicitation of business. However, the presenter may leave business cards for participants to pick up after the program for anyone interested in purchasing items or services from the presenter.
Approved by the Lynnfield Public Library Board of Trustees, March 7, 2023
Please leave the materials at the Reference Desk for posting.
All materials must be dated and no larger than 8 ½ by 11.
When space is required, materials will be removed by date, with the oldest being removed first.
Materials will be posted subject to library approval.
Approved by the Lynnfield Public Library Board of Trustees, March 6, 2007
Welcome to the Lynnfield Public Library. Our Library is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive cultural center where people can gather and share ideas, interests, and knowledge. In order to ensure the constructive and responsible use of the library facility, grounds, materials, equipment, and services, as well as the comfort and safety of all patrons and staff, the Board of Trustees has provided the following Patron Rights & Responsibilities to facilitate our mission to provide free, equitable access to all community members.
(Patron Rights & Responsibilities Policy PDF print version)
Patron Rights
Our Library upholds the freedom of information, the foundations of literacy and reading, the patron’s right to privacy, and the basic tenets of democracy, as noted in our strategic plan. The Lynnfield Public Library supports the rights of all individuals to:
Patron Responsibilities
All patrons are subject to public health, fire, safety and other regulations, including:
All patrons must respect the library staff and other patrons
Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their children’s supervision and behavior while the children are in the library.
All patrons must respect the library facility and library resources.
All patrons must abide by the law on library property, including while using the internet either on library owned or personal devices.
Consequences for violation of the terms of behavior will range from verbal warning to suspension of library privileges to the issue of a no trespass order, depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction. This applies to all library property. This determination will be at the discretion of the library staff. Police may be called to respond to any illegal activities or threatening behavior. Any illegal activities conducted on Lynnfield Public Library property will be reported to the police.
Approved by the Lynnfield Public Library Board of Trustees on October 1, 2024.
(Sustainability Policy PDF print version)
The Lynnfield Public Library (LPL) is committed to reducing its impact on the environment by embracing the American Library Association (ALA) core value of sustainability. In 2019, the ALA made a commitment to the “triple bottom line” framework for sustainability as recommended by the ALA Special Task Force on Sustainability. This framework consists of developing practices that are environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable. The Library’s commitment to environmental sustainability extends to its members, administration, employees, and general community. All employees will receive a copy of this policy upon hire, and be educated regarding the Library’s efforts to continue to strive towards the “triple bottom line” definition of sustainability.
In order to achieve these goals, the Library will:
Environmentally Sound
LPL is committed to reducing our environmental footprint, striving for energy efficiency, and promoting environmental stewardship at all levels of our organization. Our goal is to minimize our impact and maximize future generations’ ability to live, work, and play in our shared natural environment, with equal access to clean air, clean water, and natural resources. All staff are expected to participate in procedures and programs in our organization that strive to minimize pollution and waste, conserve energy and water, protect habitat, support renewable energy resources, buy environmentally friendly products, and encourage environmentally preferable transportation.
Economically Feasible
LPL is committed to making good use of the public and private dollars invested in our organization to carry out the mission of the Library. Our goal is to leverage state and member funds to the maximum benefit of the community we serve, while honoring our commitment to environmental stewardship and equity, diversity, and inclusion. This will be reflected in our fiscal policies. These efforts will extend to contractor and supplier relationships. We will encourage contractors and suppliers serving or otherwise acting on behalf of the organization to meet our standards of environmental performance.
Socially Equitable
The LPL is committed to a culture of inclusion and mutual respect that welcomes the differences and variety of backgrounds, perspectives, interests and talents represented by the members served and our staff members.
Approved by the Board of Trustees January 7, 2025
(Winter Storm Policy PDF print version)
During inclement weather, a decision to close, postpone opening, or close early will be made by the Library Director taking into account observed local road conditions, parking conditions, and the weather forecast.
Notification of closing or changes in hours will be posted on our website, Facebook, Twitter, the library telephone system, and through local media.
During periods of bad weather always call the library at 781-334-5411 or 781-334-6404, or check our website, or Facebook page, www.facebook.com/LynnfieldLibrary to confirm hours.
revised 10/2016
The American Library Association (ALA) affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas.
The Lynnfield Library refers to the ALA Bill of Rights to guide our services and policies.