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Lynnfield Public Library, Letter from the Director

New Library Building Project: Next Steps

As regular readers of this blog are also dedicated users and unflagging supporters of the Lynnfield Library (and we thank you for it!), many of you are no doubt aware of the lengthy history behind the library building project. If you aren’t and are interested to learn more, please visit to learn all the details.

After the project failed to achieve the 2/3 majority needed at the October Town Meeting, the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) kindly granted us an extension in early January to try again with an updated design with feedback from the community, and we now have another chance to try to meet the Town of Lynnfield’s needs with this project. We want to hear your thoughts, concerns, and ideas about the future of YOUR library!

In light of that, we hosted two public forums about the new library building project last Thursday, Jan. 11. We were so happy to see many community members (and library supporters!) attend and share. We got some great feedback and wonderful ideas. We’ll be having another round of public hearings on February 1st, at 10 AM and 7 PM, again at the Merritt Center in Marketstreet and we would love for you to join us. We will also be hosting more open houses for those unsure of the issues the current building is facing, so keep an eye out for those on the schedule. Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns.

                                    – Abigail Porter, Library Director