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Bird Watching >>> People Watching

By Alison Quill, Senior Circulation Librarian

With warm weather flying in, what better way to enjoy your morning walks than with some birdwatching! I know we’re all used to seeing wild turkeys going for strolls, but did you know that Massachusetts is home to around 300 different species of bird at any point during the year? 

This time of year is especially good for birdwatching as many different species are flocking back to the north for the Summer. The Mass Audubon website has some great tips about getting started: from birding ethics to birdwatching hotspots, this is a fun, fair weather hobby that anyone can easily pick up. You can also download Mass Audubon’s Birding Checklist and see how many you can spot before the Summer ends. And maybe you’ll be able to spot Massachusetts’ state bird, the black-capped chickadee!

If you’re still unsure if this is something you want to do, stop by the Library on Thursday, June 13, at 6pm to learn about Birding in Lynnfield with Gene Ellison. Then on Saturday, June 15, at 7:45am you will have the opportunity to join a guided birdwatching expedition of the Lynnfield Marshes. Check out our Event Calendar to learn more!