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August 9 is Book Lovers Day
Did you know that Friday, August 9 is National Book Lovers Day? To celebrate, here are some fun book related statistics. For Fiscal Year 2024 (July 2023 – June 2023), Lynnfield Library patrons borrowed 79,218 books, 2,763 audiobooks, 13,193 eBooks and 10,627 eAudiobooks for...

Celebrate and Learn the History of Juneteenth
by Katherine Decker, Head of Circulation, Lynnfield Public Library Wednesday, June 19 is Juneteenth and while the Library will be closed, the day is much more than just another day off. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when the news of the end of the...
graphic for memorial day blog post

Books & DVDs for Memorial Day
by Katherine Decker, Head of Circulation, Lynnfield Public Library May 27 is Memorial Day when we salute the fallen and give thanks to all those who have served our country. Here are some books and dvds to commemorate Memorial Day. Nonfiction Books Band of...