The Friends of the Lynnfield Library hold two book sales annually, in October and May. There are books available to purchase in the Library year round, too.
Thank you for all your recent donations. Due to space constraints, we are currently NOT accepting book donations! Please check back with us in November.
Items suitable for donation are:
We greatly appreciate your donations of quality used books and media materials. Please check that your donations do not have water damage, ripped or missing pages, mold, stains, or debris.
The Friends cannot accept:
Bring your boxed or bagged donations to the Library Circulation Desk. It would be most helpful for the staff if you could use boxes or bags that you can leave at the library with your donations.
Donations can only be accepted inside the Library and during regular Library business hours. Do NOT leave donations outside the Library or in drop boxes. Please check the Hours and Closings page or call the Library to verify when the Library is open.